Friday, June 26, 2015

The Big Apple

It feels like just yesterday I was creating this blog to write about my Teach For America experience and here I am writing my last post as a TFA Corps Member in Dallas, Texas. The irony is that I named my first ever blog post “Apples to Apples” because I chose not to accept my job offer in NYC, as I decided to accept my position with Teach For America. I told myself if NYC was important enough to me, I would find a way to get there. Now here I am, moving to NYC in July, the Big Apple.

Yes after being a part of the founding team at KIPP Destiny Elementary for the past two years, I am going to be moving to NYC for the 2015-2016 academic year to teach at Democracy Prep Harlem Elementary. I am immensely excited about the opportunity to continue my teaching experience in my absolute dream city while I finish my Masters from Johns Hopkins University. This summer I am working on my curriculum, Life Skills Literacy, which is a curriculum that infuses social and emotional skills in familiar children’s literacy texts.

This past semester has been busier than I could have ever imagined, filled with celebrations both personally and for my little Kippsters. They say a picture says a thousand words. I have more than just one picture to fill this blog with memories and experiences…so here’s to thousands of words that you don’t even have to read, which some might argue are the best kind.

(Potentially one of my proudest moments as a teacher)

(Picture day at KDE, love the adorable bow ties)

(Field day at KDE!)

(Sneak preview of Life Skills Literacy)

(Our classroom field trip to the Dallas World Aquarium)

(The Kindergarten spring concert)

(Working as teams to decorate our classroom for the end of year party!)

(The Kindergarten Stepping Up Ceremony, so proud of these amazing little ones. They have taught me more than I could ever teach them).

(Saying goodbye to the most amazing teaching experience I could have had. Working with a founding team is such a unique and incredible experience. I still remember looking at the construction and thinking, "I hope the school will be done in time" and now it is a place that inspires young minds. I will never forget the experiences at KIPP Destiny and I cannot wait to see how the school grows and prospers throughout the years).

(Because when in Texas, you have to ride a horse through the Fort Worth stockyards. I am so thankful for the amazing friends that have supported me throughout this journey. This was one of the best surprises ever!)