Friday, December 27, 2013


About this time last year, I would have been posting about the end of the semester and celebrating personal successes along with the rest of my facebook population. This year, however, I get to celebrate the successes of the 26 little people that are changing my life. At the beginning of the year some of my students came to me not even knowing the first letter of their name. As a business school grad, about the only strategy I could think of was to put the letter on a PowerPoint slide and say “it’s A.” (Have no fear; I did not actually do this). Fortunately after learning a few accurate strategies and having an amazingly talented co-teacher, 70% of our students will go into 2014 reading ABOVE the average kindergarten reading level. I am incredibly proud of them for persisting to learn each day regardless of the challenges they all face on a day-to-day basis. Overall the year has taught me many things about children, and about the education sector. The industry is so fascinating to me and it is incredible how much opportunity there is for improvement. Going into 2014, I will capitalize on what I can do to further my growth and what skills I can use to help not only my school but the education sphere.